Quizz and round 1 : École normale supérieure (Jourdan)
First day will take place at École normale superieure (ENS), campus Jourdan. The campus has recently opened its doors, being shared with Paris School of Economics. Participants will thus be able to explore a research-driven environment.
Rounds will take place in rooms accomodating up to 50 people, whereas breaks will take place in specific areas. The opening ceremony will be held in an auditorium where the opening speech and a maths presentation will be delivered. Participants and jury members will have lunch outside if weather allows it.
Working rooms : École normale supérieure (Jourdan)
On day 2 and 5, teams will work solely on their presentations. Each team will have their own room to work. The jury will also have 2 rooms to work. The schedule of these days is fixed but slightly flexible to adapt to each team’s needs.
Each room is equiped with a white board, a projector and at leats 15 seats. Participants and jury members will lunch outside if the weather is favourable. ENS is a research center, thus the environment is ideal for such a research work made by teams.
Round 2 & Sports : École des Ponts ParisTech
Round 2 will take place at École des Ponts ParisTech, located close to Paris. The campus offers three sports facilities which will be used for the sports session.
Same as before, rooms will be provided for rounds and areas organized for breaks. From 2: 30 am to 3: 30 am, a presentation of the school will be delivered in the auditorium and the participants will choose the sport they want to play. Participants and jury members will lunch outside if weather allows it.
Finals : Société Générale – Les Dunes (Val de Fontenay)
Finals will take place at the scientific center of the bank Société Générale, Les Dunes, located near Paris. The grand final will take place in the auditorium and the small one in a normal room. Breaks will be organized for the teams and the jury.
After lunch, a maths conference lasting 40 minutes will be delivered. Société Générale will also give a presentation about mathematics useful to a bank. Awards will be distributed by scientists and dignitaries of our partners.
Two breaks are planned in the afternoon. The closing reception will allow participants to network with the jury and professionnals of Société Générale in order to learn more about possible careers in mathematics. This is the perfect occasion to exchange contacts and learn from one another.